Good News Coming in the February Forecast?

Minnesota continues to exceed expectations in its revenue collections, which bodes well for the February Economic Forecast announced at the end of the month. On Monday, February 12, Minnesota Management and Budget (MMB) reported that net revenue collections for all major tax types in January exceeded forecasted amounts. General fund revenue collections in January were $313 million more than forecasted and, for fiscal year 2024, revenue collections already exceed the forecast by $384 million.

House to Debate Tax Fix

On Monday, February 19, the full House of Representatives will debate H.F. 2757, a bill correcting a tax provision that passed when the 2023 Omnibus Tax Bill became law last May. According to the bill author, Representative Aisha Gomez (DFL-Minneapolis), this change in 2023 inadvertently reduced the standard individual income tax deduction by undoing the inflation adjustments instituted since 2019. H.F. 2757 undoes this change and preserves the standard deduction for Minnesota filers. Without this correction, most Minnesota filers would see a tax increase. The House is expected to overwhelmingly pass this bill with Senate action following quickly.

Changes in House Membership

The House of Representatives has experienced two changes in membership. Rep. Bianca Virnig (DFL-Eagan), a former school board member, won a District 52B special election on December 5 to replace former Representative Ruth Richardson, who resigned September 1, 2023. Former Representative and House Speaker Kurt Daudt (R-Crown) resigned his seat on February 11. A special election has been called for March 19 to fill the District 27B seat. There have been no changes in Senate membership.

Key Session Dates

With the 2024 Legislative Session up and running, here are the key dates to watch:

Date Significance
February 12 Session Begins
February 28 February Budget Forecast Released
March 22 1st and 2nd Bill deadlines. Policy bills must be out of committees in both the House and the Senate.
March 27– April 2 Easter Recess
April 9 – April 11 Eid Recess
April 19th 3rd Bill Deadline.  Finance and spending bills must be out of committees in both the House and the Senate.
April 22- April 24 Passover Recess
May 20 Constitutionally Required Session Adjournment Date

Legislative Retirements

While session is barely a week old, fifteen House members have already announced that this session will be their last.  The chart below lists these members:

Legislator Party District Announcement Date
Jamie Becker-Finn DFL 40B 12/19/2023
Brian Daniels R 19A 9/15/2023
Pat Garofalo R 58B 1/16/2024
Matt Grossell R 2A 12/8/2023
Hodan Hassan DFL 62B 2/5/2024
Shane Hudella R 41B 12/7/2023
Debra Kiel R 1B 1/12/2024
Michael Nelson DFL 38A 1/4/2024
Jerry Newton DFL 35B 2/15/2023
Liz Olson DFL 8A 1/5/2024
Gene Pelowski DFL 26A 1/7/2024
John Petersburg R 19B 1/10/2024
Brian Pfarr R 22B 12/20/2023
Laurie Pryor DFL 49A 1/17/2024
Mark Wiens R 41A 1/26/2024

Source: Minnesota Legislative Reference Library



February 16, 2024