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Regulatory & Government Relations
Regulatory & Government Relations

Campaign Finance & Election Law

Our team of attorneys and lobbyists, with extensive experience in the political arena, work with you to shape and influence public policy through the political process, and advise and represent individuals and entities who are looking for guidance navigating the complex web of state and federal campaign finance and election laws.

Our Approach

Businesses and individuals are increasingly being pulled into the political process, but the laws surrounding campaign finance and election law are complex and can create significant legal and political issues if they are not navigated properly. Our team of attorneys and lobbyists work to assist you in using your voice to effectuate change and shape public policy. We represent clients before, among other bodies, the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Board and the Federal Elections Commission, and also advocate on your behalf to bring about change to the campaign finance and election laws and regulations.

Clients Include

  • Businesses
  • Trade associations
  • Labor organizations
  • Non-profit organizations
  • Health care businesses
  • Insurers
  • Banks
  • Political committees
  • Indian tribes
  • Political party units
  • Candidates for public office


  • Corporate Compliance
  • Gifts to public officials
  • Lobby law compliance
  • Election law
  • Campaign Finance
  • State and federal PACs
  • PAC audits