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E-Discovery & Data Management

The E-Discovery & Data Management team works with all of Winthrop’s practice groups to provide clients with customized data management plans and, in the event of litigation, the background and expertise to competently and cost-effectively manage all aspects of the discovery process and trial administration.

Our Approach

When it comes to E-Discovery and Data Management, no two clients are alike.  We recognize that individuals and businesses have distinct and unique familiarity and practices with respect to the data they purposely and inadvertently create on a constant basis.  Accordingly, our team utilizes tried and true protocols and tools to provide clients with counseling and advice that fits their needs.  Regardless of whether that involves reviewing, revising, or drafting data retention protocols, or working with clients, in-house counsel, and staff to skillfully navigate the ebb and tide of discovery throughout the course of litigation, we are able to efficiently and reliably handle it all.


  • Developing or updating business data management and retention policies
  • Performing internal investigations and audits of company data management
  • Consulting with clients regarding data preservation when potential legal disputes arise
  • Assisting clients with litigation hold implementation
  • Ensuring legally defensible collection methodologies
  • Negotiating and drafting ESI and Discovery Protocols
  • Leveraging firm and vendor expertise to provide economic and efficient document review solutions
  • Utilizing technology assisted review and analytics tools as appropriate
  • Working with consultants on affordable and legally permissible foreign document collection and review
  • Keeping up-to-date on amendments to the Federal and local rules related to discovery
  • Preparing attorneys and clients for discovery planning conferences, discovery disputes, witness depositions, and trial