Our team has decades of experience and thorough knowledge of complex and high-stakes antitrust laws and trade regulation litigation.

Our Approach
From civil and criminal litigation to counseling and compliance matters, our antitrust team has successfully resolved issues for clients in a range of industries, including electronics, insurance, food, mortgage banking, consumer products, marine engines and airlines.
On the litigation front, our represent clients in handling matters such as price-fixing claims, boycotts, market allocations and monopolization actions, both locally and across the nation. We also provide strategies for avoiding litigation altogether, through the development of creative solutions to distribution and pricing challenges for clients of all sizes.
- Private antitrust actions
- Federal Trade Commission and Department of Justice investigations and enforcement proceedings
- State antitrust investigations
- Robinson/Patman Act/price discrimination
- Antitrust exemptions and regulated markets
- Antitrust and intellectual property
- Mergers and acquisitions
- Pre-merger notification
- Vertical restraints and distribution arrangements
- Joint ventures, strategic alliances and other business strategies