In accordance with the Minnesota Campaign Finance and Public Disclosure Act, any political committee or political fund that receives a contribution or loan of more than $1,000 between July 23 through August 12, 2024 must reported the contribution or loan to the Minnesota Campaign Finance & Public Disclosure Board electronically or in person by 4:30 p.m. on the next business day after receipt and also on subsequent reports of receipts and expenditures for the year. The 24 hour reporting requirement applies to all political committees and political funds, including independent political committees and independent political funds. Failure to file the notice on time will result in a minimum $50 per day late filing fee.

Additionally, all Minnesota political committees, political funds, independent expenditure committees and independent expenditure funds are required to file a quarterly report of receipts and expenditures no later than Monday, July 29, 2024. The period covered by this report is January 1 through July 22, 2024.

State reports must be filed electronically unless a waiver has been granted. A committee or fund that fails to file the annual report by the due date is subject to a late filing fee of a minimum of $50 per day, not to exceed $2,000. Additional information about state reporting requirements can be found here.

If you have any questions about State or Federal reporting requirements, the submission process, or any other campaign finance or lobbying issues, please contact Winthrop & Weinstine’s experienced Campaign Finance and Lobbying Compliance teams.

July 22, 2024