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Our Commercial Lending attorneys represent a multitude of national, regional and community lending institutions in a wide variety of financial transactions.  Our attorneys are involved in all aspects of the financing transaction depending on the needs and wants of the client including structuring the transaction, managing due diligence review and analysis, drafting and negotiating material agreements and ultimately closing the transaction.

Our Approach

There are multiple moving parts and oftentimes a myriad of parties involved in any financing deal.  It takes strong transaction management skills and a clear “forest through the trees” vision to ensure everyone gets to the closing table in an efficient, productive fashion.  At the same time, it is imperative to focus in on the details of each transaction and provide prudent risk management advice for the client.  Our attorneys thrive in this environment – working to address borrower side concerns with a pragmatic approach while ensuring our client is properly protected, and always with an eye toward efficiency and reaching the finish line – a successful closing for all interested parties.

Clients Include

  • Bank holding companies
  • National banking associations
  • Community banks
  • State banking institutions
  • Trust companies
  • Mortgage lenders
  • Insurance companies
  • Asset-based lenders
  • Governmental entities


  • Secured and unsecured revolving credit and term loans
  • Syndicated loans
  • Secured transactions
  • Tax-exempt financing
  • Tax increment financing
  • Construction and real estate financing
  • SBA financing
  • Equipment financing
  • Credit enhancement/letters of credit
  • Loan workouts and restructuring
  • Foreclosures and receiverships
  • Bankruptcy