Christianna Finnern and Cody Zustiak will co-present two breakout sessions on November 15-16 at the Care Providers of Minnesota 2021 Convention. Care Providers of Minnesota is a non-profit membership association representing non-profit and for-profit organizations providing services along the full spectrum of post-acute care and long-term services and support.
Waiver Reimagine: What is Changing and When?
On Monday, November 15, Christianna and Cody will discuss the Minnesota Department of Human Services Waiver Reimagine project. Somewhat overshadowed by not only the pandemic but also the roll-out of the new Assisted Living license is the Minnesota Department of Human Services Waiver Reimagine project, which is a two-phased project aimed at simplifying the service menu of waiver programs and adding a new integrated community supports service. 245D license-holders will need to evaluate whether they may or must add integrated community supports to their license.
The target audience for this session is disability service providers.
CARES Act Provider Relief Fund: Reporting, Auditing and More
On Tuesday, November 16, Christianna and Cody dive into the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund. When first announced, the CARES Act Provider Relief Fund money was declared “no strings attached” and could be used as recipients deemed appropriate. Subsequent guidance changed that rather significantly and recipients who received money will face compliance, tracking, and reporting obligations to document that funds were used for permissible purposes. Providers should prepare now for reporting requirements and the likelihood of increased audit and enforcement activity.
The target audience for this session is the senior housing, assisted living & home care industries.
For more information or to register, click here.