Я народилась в Україні, а вже в віці одного року приїхала з батьками в Америку. Я з дитинства постійно відвідувала своє рідне місто Львів, а тепер, завдяки активній роботі в Спілці Української Молоді, часто буваю і в Києві. Подвійне громадянство відкриває для мене нові горизонти, допомагає бачити більш глобальну картину в щоденній юридичній роботі і впливає на мій підхід до кожного клієнта.
I was born in Ukraine but immigrated to the US when I was just one year old. Throughout my childhood, I frequently traveled back to my hometown of Lviv, and today, thanks to my involvement in the Ukrainian American Youth Association, I also have the privilege of routinely spending time in Kyiv. My dual citizenship has broadened my horizons in the practice of law and has allowed me to see a bigger, more global picture that influences my approach to every client issue that comes my way.
My Approach
Before going to law school I was trained as a journalist, and many lessons from that training prepared me for my strong advocacy for clients in litigation. I am excited every time I get to dig through all the facts and details, learn the inner workings of my clients’ businesses, and then develop a through line and a persuasive, novel argument to support my client’s position and tell their story. Finally, I love taking all that background and nuance, and coming up with the best possible way to communicate our side to the judge or jury.
Outside of work, I have recently taken up equestrian sports, and have started showing in the Hunter/Jumper ring. I never did it as a child, but I love challenging myself and overcoming my fears. In the winter, I’m also an avid skier and like to spend as much time as possible on the slopes.
A Global Perspective
Practice Areas
Business & Commercial Litigation

Bold Perspectives
Honors & Awards
The Best Lawyers in America© Ones to Watch
Commercial Litigation, 2025
Associations & Memberships
Federal Bar Association, Minnesota Chapter
Co-Chair, Newer Lawyers Committee, 2022-2023
Ukrainian American Youth Association
National Executive Board Secretary, 2014 – 2019