Our Bank Regulatory attorneys represent banks and financial institutions in working with and through the regulatory agencies in all aspects that affect them, from mergers and acquisitions to enforcement actions and from regulatory applications to complex regulatory review and analysis.
In its role as one of the most highly regulated industries, banks and other financial institutions operate under the utmost scrutiny, and are required to jump through countless levels of hoops just in the course of doing day-to-day business. Winthrop regulatory attorneys work with you to relieve some of the pressure, with our knowledge of the laws, processes, and regulators themselves, and help navigate through potential regulatory issues. Our team includes attorneys who previously worked in the Attorney General’s office representing the regulators, who have a clear view of both sides of the strategies and can devise creative solutions for clients.
Amber L. Kraemer P / 612.604.6594 E / [email protected]
ShareholderAnton J. Moch P / 612.604.6671 E / [email protected]
Of CounselEdward J. Drenttel P / 612.604.6675 E / [email protected]