Tom Walker will address the MNCPA’s Audits of Employee Benefit Plans Conference on May 17, 2021, to discuss “The Most Common Retirement Plan Mistakes and How to Fix Them.” With the complexity of plan terms, the multitude of legal requirements and the potential inexperience of personnel, retirement plan mistakes are bound to happen. Review the most common errors, learn about IRS and DOL programs for correcting most mistakes and get practical suggestions for preventing them from occurring again.
On May 18, Tom Walker will also be featured on an “Ask the Experts” panel discussion. The introduction of a virtual environment, new legislation and plenty of uncertainty make this year’s audit season uncharted territory. Navigate your new reality with help from industry experts. Take advantage of this interactive session and ask your most pressing questions. Get practical insights on best practices, reporting, common issues and more.
The MNCPA’s Audits of Employee Benefit Plans Conference provides the practical, up-to-date information needed to deliver efficient and effective audits for your clients. You’ll discover new ways to anticipate challenges and maintain compliance, hear directly from the Department of Labor, learn from industry experts and meet your CPE requirements.
For more information or to register, click here.