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Michael "Mike" A. Petschel

The law doesn’t exist in a vaccuum, it’s practiced in a context. Understanding that context is critical to successful legal outcomes.

My Approach

I spent several years managing and leading strategic international initiatives at a publicly-traded, Fortune 500 company. I know that the legal aspect is only one side of a given situation, and I work to provide my clients with the practical advice and partnership of someone who has been on the other side of the table.

Having served in the miliary, I grew accustomed to navigating ambiguous, high-risk, and fast-paced situations, which often required finding creative solutions. It also gave me an appreciation for being the service of others and a drive to fight for my clients. This has shaped the attorney and advocate I’ve become – one that thinks outside the box to find the right solution for my clients.

Outside of work, you can generally find me spending time with my family or playing a round of golf. I also enjoy cooking and traveling internationally.

Practice Areas