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John J. Donovan, III

For tax lawyers, staying on top of the ever-changing rules is critical.

My Approach

People often view tax law as defensive and reactive but, as a former NCAA Division II college football player, I like to think about the offensive capabilities. Truly understanding the tax code, including and any cross-border implications, provides me with the opportunity to not only structure the most effective and efficient transaction possible but to optimize my clients’ tax position. Business deals are often complex, but the tax rules add yet another layer of complexity; I enjoy solving that puzzle and ensuring that all pieces fit together to help my clients achieve (and exceed) their business objectives.

With more than 30 years of experience in Tax Counsel, Director and Chief Global Tax Officer roles for a number of publicly traded organizations, I’ve had the privilege to advise on several business-altering transactions. For my clients, these deals are more than just numbers and legal rules – they’re about understanding the business strategy, driving results, and achieving short- and long-term goals. What works under the Tax Code today may not work tomorrow. You need a lawyer with the business acumen and creativity to consider all possibilities and to leverage those possibilities into a workable solution for your business.

Outside of work, I enjoy spending time with my family on our hobby farm in the scenic bluff country of Wisconsin. We spend a lot of time and energy managing the land, observing the diverse wildlife, and bird hunting with our family dog.

Practice Areas