Attorney Kyle Kroll published a recap of a CLE presented by the FBA Minnesota Chapter Newer Lawyers Committee and Minnesota Office of Lawyers Professional Responsibility
(“OLPR”). The CLE, titled “You can tweet all night, but you only license once: tips to avoid ethical mistakes on social media,” was hosted at Winthrop & Weinstine on December 3, 2019.

The recap, published March 11, 2020 in Bar Talk, reviewed the recommendations from the five presenters, including Susan Humiston (Director of OLPR), Chuck Toomajian (Zimmerman Reed), Joey Balthazor (Taft), Liz Scheibel (Faegre), and Kyle Kroll (Winthrop & Weinstine). “Key tips and takeaways from the presentation include[d]” everything from potential ethical violations when using social media platforms, such as LinkedIn, to knowing when social media might be considered as advertising.

Click here to read the full article.

March 11, 2020